Located at 525 N. Collier Blvd. on Marco Island, FL.
Mission Statement
At Marco Lutheran Church, we are followers of Jesus Christ who share His Good News by loving and serving all people.
We stream the Sunday 9:30 a.m. worship service. Watch our service LIVE as it happens on our VIDEO page.
VIDEO PAGE: Recent past services have been archived on the video page and are available to view.
One cannot experience the Lenten Journey without seeing the love of God through the Life of Jesus. Paul paints a beautiful picture of Jesus in 1 Corinthians 13 as he shares what Love is and what Love isn't.
March 8/9 What Matters Most March 15/16 Patient March 22/23 Kind March 29/30 Not Envy April 5/6 Humble
The resurrection is the most important moment in history, but it is more than an event we remember on Easter Sunday. Let us take a deeper look at Jesus' life, death, and resurrection in the Gospel of Matthew, revealing the ways we should see ourselves in Jesus' story. Jesus died for us so that He could be alive in us today!
March 5 The Call to Repentance March 12 Betrayed by Me March 19 Forsaken by Me March 26 Accused by Me April 2 Punished by Me April Alive by Me
Palm Sunday April 13 9 &11 am Respect
Maundy Thursday April 17 5pm Forgiving
Good Friday April 18 5pm Speak the Truth
Easter Sunday April 20 9&11 am Love Never Fails
Marco Lutheran Church
Sunday 9:30 am
Saturday 5:00 pm
a "blended" style of worship, with communion at each service.
Our church is not a building;
it's a people. It's where you come to find peace and redemption through Jesus.
We welcome everyone to our services and activities. Please explore our website.
If you have unanswered questions, feel free to contact us.